Franklin by GenooxFresh research suggests genetic testing should be recommended for early-onset atrial fibrillationA new cohort study from Vanderbilt University Medical Center explores the prevalence of disease-associated variants in genes in some…Feb 16, 2022Feb 16, 2022
Franklin by GenooxNew oncogenicity classification guidelines for somatic variantsNew standards for somatic variant classification have recently been developed by Clinical Genome Resource (ClinGen), Cancer Genomics…Mar 29, 2022Mar 29, 2022
Franklin by GenooxAMP classification guidelines to enhance Rare Disease and Cancer patient careThe ability to identify genomic, transcriptional, proteomic, and epigenetic alterations in tumors has resulted in a better understanding of…Mar 31, 2022Mar 31, 2022
Franklin by GenooxPrenatal diagnosis: New study suggests exome sequencing could replace microarray as a first-tier…Could NGS technologies replace cytogenetics as the gold standard for prenatal genetic diagnosis? With the increasing availability of…May 23, 2022May 23, 2022
Franklin by GenooxData-sharing on the variant level to improve genetic diagnosis and discoveryFranklin has collaborated on data-sharing initiatives with additional databases that provide variant-level information with phenotypic…Jul 11, 2022Jul 11, 2022
Franklin by GenooxOne test, two answers — Genetic Testing in Ovarian CancerOvarian Cancer (OC) is one of the most deadly types of cancer worldwide, with more than 20% of patients carrying hereditary cancer…Feb 5, 2023Feb 5, 2023